Aug 30, 2009


God grant me the Serenity to accept
the things I can't change ;
Courage to change the things I can ;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at time ;
Enjoying one moment at time ;
Accepting Hardships as the Pathway to Peace ;
Taking, has He did, this sinful word as it is,
not as I would have it :
Trusting that He will make all things right
If I surrender to His Will ;
That I may be reasonably Happy in this Life
and supremely Happy with Him Forever in The Next.

Reinhold Niebuhr

Aug 11, 2009


Today, a Friend of Heart, of Love and Light, to support me in the tests crossings, opened on her english website "Light a candle" and "Lighting 4 spécial candles", two groups created in the Unconditional Love to support all the Brothers and Sisters who need reassurance.

Pat introduce me, today, the link of a site : where each of us can light a candle that will burn for 48 hours... Each of these candles for breakthrought, a movement towards a better world... A collective or individual intent of Help and Support...

Few among those encountered souls have this purity of intent, this opening of the Heart... not only Humans but All Humanity... She is Oneness in all actions of Life without judgments, without false pretenses and I thank her for this....

Like a candle with the power
switch to another
Voice takes a face
Lovingly, gently
Lighter Hearts

Jul 16, 2009

The Vibrational Level

Thursday, 11 June 2009

Ok, Let's go...

Usually, I go searching for the informations to help me progress on the Path.... It's therefore the 2nd step of my mission....

The "Vibrational Level" ! "Two" very big words !

2009 "pulls up upwards" and to go ahead within Love, towards Light, we understand while we are walking along the need to "lighten ourselves", to amplify our vibrational level to go from one sphere to an other one.

We all have "tools" available left behind by those who have preceded us on the Path, to increase our vibrational level : meditation, mantras ....

All proven techniques .... We use them more or less ... I do use them !

We are now asked to listen to our Heart, our body, calm our “egotist Mental" and to use our feelings ..... to find, within, not " The Solution " or " The Miracle Tool"...but just "Our Solution, Our Tool."

This is simple and basic things, yet that can lead to reactions from the Ego ... This naughty Ego !

Like for example stop drinking alcohol (Hey, you’re crazy ? What about beers with friends .... and the glass of good wine during the meal !!!), not eating meat, fish , delicatessen, eggs .... (Hey, I have always eaten meat ! .... no more barbecue parties with friends then ? No all this it’s not on !!!)..... Well……, you know……(smiles)

Doing the "cleaning" in our body and also the cleaning in our everyday life .....

For example, lighten the body ? Ok ! Lighten our life too ....

Have a lighter look on the Others

Reducing the light that we bring on another and on everything surrounding us ....

We collect and keep so much ..... In our memory, in cupboard ..... Let sort out and give away or through out anything that isn’t "Essential".

Not easy, easy .... (laughs) and yet so Liberator ! (She is crazy, I tell you, she has lost her mind .... What is this new diet ? This new life ? Hey ! I'm not ready !)

With each "relief" we cut the etheric ties that bind us to all these certainties, these thoughts, these sufferings, these resentments, these objects, these ... and these .... and yet we are liberated ....

Our vibrational level increases for our Greater Good and for the Greater Good of All .... We Are One !

What We Do Here and Now, we do for our Sisters and Brothers of Love and Light, whatever their Level, their Path ....

With all my love